Robin Tuohy

Robin Tuohy became a passionate advocate in the myeloma world in 2000 when her husband, Michael was diagnosed. In 2005 she began working for the International Myeloma Foundation, and is now Vice President Support Groups. Robin attends most major myeloma medical meetings and seminars to learn and share key updates and hope with other patients and caregivers. Robin leads the IMF’s Support Group team and oversees approximately 160 U.S. myeloma specific support groups. She is responsible for the IMF’s Support Group Leaders Summit, Myeloma Action Month program, Living Well Conference Calls, and leads a group of patients that are support group leaders at the American Society of Hematology (ASH) annual meeting. Robin and her husband, Michael also founded and co-lead the Connecticut Multiple Myeloma Fighters Information Group.

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Gratitude in My Heart and My #ASH20 Wrap!

Robin Tuohy |

This year’s ASH, as we all know, has been very different, thanks to Covid-19. We’ve missed lots of things by not being physically together; however, there are always silver linings! I’m mostly grateful to the resilient researchers, hematologists/oncologists, nurses, and pharmaceutical companies that have keep research going through this pandemic. While there were fewer abstracts at ASH this […]

So Much To Learn and To Be Hopeful For!

Robin Tuohy |

Today is Tuesday, December 8. I’m just finding some time to gather my thoughts from Monday’s abstracts and meetings, and I’m impressed in reading all of the other #IMFASH20 leaders’ blogs. Each perspective is unique and relevant. It’s the patient’s experience and mindset. I really hope you are reading all the leaders’ blogs to get a broad […]

Saturday’s Highlights: Fireside Chat with Dr. Fauci!

Robin Tuohy |

Saturday started out with a Fireside Chat with Stephanie Lee, MD, MPH, from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center who talked with U.S. Allergy & Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, MD.  They discussed the most current information about the coronavirus pandemic and the effects the SARS-CoV2 infection has on hematologic conditions. The program began with a […]

Highlights from the Past to Prepare Us for the Future!

Robin Tuohy |

Hi Everyone!  Welcome to ASH 2020 style:  what else but virtual! This PRE-ASH blog is my way of sharing with you *highlights of the past to help us refresh our memories and to prepare us for #ASH20!  It’s also about reading up on the various “ASH Top 10 for 2020” lists. Here is Dr. Brian […]