Until Next Year!

Yelak Biru |

#ASH20 was fully virtual due to the pandemic. #ASH21 will be a hybrid of virtual and in-person meetings by choice. At least that is my hope and prediction. The virtual format allowed us to log from the comfort of our home and we were at the mercy of the WIFI and not an overflowing meeting […]

Saturday’s Highlights: Fireside Chat with Dr. Fauci!

Robin Tuohy |

Saturday started out with a Fireside Chat with Stephanie Lee, MD, MPH, from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center who talked with U.S. Allergy & Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, MD.  They discussed the most current information about the coronavirus pandemic and the effects the SARS-CoV2 infection has on hematologic conditions. The program began with a […]