Valarie Traynham

Since being diagnosed with myeloma in 2015 Valarie has rallied to educate, inspire and empower other myeloma patients and caregivers. She enjoys being a patient advocate and is facilitator for the myeloma support group in Aurora Illinois.

Delighted to have the opportunity to be a part of ASH 2019, Valarie hopes to learn more about therapies for relapsed myeloma, disparities in patient outcomes by patient race-ethnicity, the latest in BiTE therapy and the risk of secondary cancer as a result of myeloma treatment.

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Virtual ASH 20 — More Than I Could Have Imagined

Valarie Traynham |

The 62nd American Society of Hematology annual meetings have ended but the experience is one that I will cherish for years to come. I was not sure what to expect from the virtual platform, but I was not disappointed in the end. The overall experience was more than I could have imagined. I enjoyed having […]

Waist Deep in BiTES

Valarie Traynham |

At last year’s ASH meetings, I learned a tremendous amount about BiTES (bispecific T-cell engagers). I referenced it as getting my feet wet. This year I can say that I not only got my feet wet but was submerged waist deep in emerging Duo Body Bispecific antibodies (BsAbs). Bispecific antibodies, like CAR-T cell therapy are […]

We’re In Good Hands

Valarie Traynham |

Although the 62nd American Society of Hematology meetings did not officially kick off until this morning, I had the opportunity to attend three of the pre-ASH Symposiums held yesterday. This is one advantage of the virtual platform that I appreciate. Each of the symposiums offered informative panel discussions with some of the best myeloma doctors […]

A New Virtual Experience

Valarie Traynham |

I entered 2020 with plans that involved me stepping outside of my comfort zone. Some of my goals were to try new things, to get out more to enjoy enriching experiences, and to have some fun along the way. I am happy to say that many of my goals have come to fruition. I could […]